Atypical Treatment Scarsdale | Westchester Center for Dermatology
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What Are the Treatment Options for Abnormal (Atypical) Moles

Published on September 3, 2015

In a perfect world, no one would ever have to worry about coming down with any kind of serious illness. Unfortunately, we do not live in such a world, and at some point during their lifetimes everyone will have to face of ravages of one disease or another.

Even though this may be the case, individuals can do much to protect their health by catching diseases early, before they have a chance of doing serious damage. When it comes to any kind of skin cancer, this early detection can mean the difference between life or death.

The best defense against skin cancer is prevention

Key to catching cancer early is the ability of dermatologists to identify abnormal skin growths, also known as atypical moles.

What do I need to know about moles on my body?

The skin is an amazing organ that is made up of many different kinds of cells. Melanocytes are special cells that are responsible for giving the skin its color through the production of pigment.

In most cases, these cells operate on an individual basis. In some situations however, these cells group together and form what is known to medical professionals as a mole. Most people have no less than 10 moles on their body at any one time.

In many situations, these moles are simply benign and pose no danger to the person in question. In other cases, regular everyday moles can turn into what are called dysplastic nevi, or atypical moles.

Individuals who develop atypical moles are at increased risk of eventually developing a single or multiple melanoma. It is important to note that the more atypical moles someone has on their body, the higher the risk of their eventually developing some kind of skin cancer.


If a dermatologist suspects that a mole may be atypical, he will usually order a biopsy be performed on the patient. This involves taking a small thin sliver from the mole, and then subjecting it to visual observation as well as other kinds of medical testing. Once a tissue sample have been taken, it usually takes about 3 weeks before a positive or negative diagnosis can be made.


In most cases, if the mole in question is determined to be of the atypical variety, doctors will recommend that it will be removed from the patient’s body. For the most part, this simply involves excising the mole and some of the surrounding tissue to ensure that the mole does not return.

At Westchester Center for Dermatology, we provide the best in cutting edge medical care for people with various skin conditions. Anyone who has noticed moles growing that resemble the ones described above is urged to give us a call as soon as possible.

Our team of friendly staff members will help you schedule a dermatology appointment with one of highly skilled and dedicated medical professionals. Contact us today to learn more.