Coping With Eczema During Cold Winter Months
Published on October 1, 2015 by Westchester Center For Dermatology
As colder weather finally arrives, many people will find the cold and dry weather challenging for their skin. Many skin conditions become more problematic as winter approaches. These may include rashes that are autoimmune, allergic, infectious, or irritant in nature.
Many individuals have a tendency toward atopic dermatitis (AD) or eczema that worsens in the winter months. AD is a genetically based skin rash that generally worsens in the colder months but also commonly flares in the skin fold areas of the arms, legs, neck, and chest in the summer months. It usually appears as itchy, red, inflamed patches in skin fold areas.
Treatments for eczema – advice by an NYC dermatologist
Topical Steroids
Should you develop a wintertime rash or skin condition, please contact Westchester Center for Dermatology for an appointment with one of our expert dermatologists