Smooth Out Wrinkles With A Chemical Peel In New York City - Westchester Center For Dermatology
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Smooth Out Wrinkles With A Chemical Peel In New York City

Published on November 20, 2011

Chemical peels at Manhattan Dermatology & Laser Center come in different strengths and are capable of removing the top layer of skin, thus smoothing out fine wrinkles and decreasing discoloration and pigmentation problems. Areas of wrinkly skin can also benefit from a peel procedure resulting in a shrink wrap type of effect. Peels can also be light in effect. A lunchtime peel could rejuvenate and refresh the face without the downtime, but would have less effect on the fine wrinkling.

The old skin that is peeled off within a few days leaves behind a newly rejuvenated healthier looking skin which has underwent collagen regeneration and rearrangement.

Get to know how chemical peels work to enhance your appearance

There are many types of acids used in chemical peeling including but not limited to trichloracetic acid (TCA) with various percentages, glycolic peels, phenol peels, and jessners peel. These peels run the gamut of light lunchtime to very heavy deep peels. Depending on your skin type, skin thickness, and coloring a tailored chemical peel could be fashioned to meet your skin rejuvenation needs. Fractionated CO2 lasers, available at Manhattan Dermatology & Laser Center in New York City, can be used to resurface the skin similarly to chemical peels. These procedures are very commonly done alone, or in conjunction with other cosmetic surgical procedures. Areas to resurface are anywhere on the face and chest. The most common requests are the skin around the eyes and mouth which are the first to show signs of aging.

What to expect following your chemical peel in NYC

The procedure takes about thirty minutes and is usually performed with sedation anesthesia, or in the office for the lighter peels. At the end of a week, the skin is usually repaired (sometimes longer if a deeper penetrating peel is performed) and one should use sunblock regularly and avoid the sun when possible. Most patients may return to normal activities and work within a few days, or even hours for the lighter peels.

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